Saturday, May 9, 2009

Loose Cannons

To many people, I appear to be in the center, with a lean to the Left. But, with my friends specifically on the Right, they say that’s ok, I can still be taught. Regardless of any political belief, I am always glad to engage in political or social discussions. I enjoy any feedback to my articles and encourage discussion, especially if it does not agree with me. I learn more and gain more insight into subjects, when there is an opposing view, then when there is not. That is why I enjoy doing what I do here as well as, among all the blogs and websites I bless with my wisdom. (Oh, don’t laugh now.) I feel I am more moderate and try to be such in my articles. Now, depending upon how the information I find flows, I will try to express a neutral point that brings both sides to the table. (Alright, you can laugh now.)

After the election in 2000, I noticed the extreme hostility towards, then incoming administration officials. I feel it was as deep as the hostility towards the present administration today but, not as partisan as it is today. Only the extreme Left Wing seemed merciless in their approach to then President George W. Bush. Moderate Left wing and Independents appeared to be giving President Bush a little more leeway. Today, Neo-conservatives have done nothing but bombard President Obama with continuing negativity and belittlement while trying to block, obstruct and disrupt as much of his agenda as they can. If not agreeing with the President, Moderate Right Wingers seemed to be taking a look and see attitude, for now. This, I believe, is the reason for such polarization. What appears to be the most disturbing view is the turmoil, within the Republican Party, that exists and is fueling this polarization today.
Personally, I hope the Republican Party can regroup and find itself. This is something I am sure will happen in time. But, I do believe the party is in far more disarray today, than the Democratic Party was in 2000. I feel this way because of all the Loose Cannons, which are spouting off, in the struggle for someone to take a leadership role and try to unite the party under a unified cause.

One of these Loose Cannons is Republican Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann of the 6th Congressional District in Minnesota. My introduction to her came on October 17, 2008, when she appeared on the talk show Hardball with Chris Mathews. In short, I feel she was well within her rights to point out the associations, of then Presidential Candidate Barack Obama, with the Reverend Jeremiah Wright and 60’s activist William Ayers. The problem I had with her continuing barrage, then and today, is that it reeks of McCarthyism. Here is a legislative figure spewing exaggerations and even promoting revolution, during an interview on a WWTC Minneapolis/St Paul radio show on March 23, 2009; "I want people in Minnesota armed and dangerous on this issue of the energy tax because we need to fight back. Thomas Jefferson told us 'having a revolution every now and then is a good thing,' and the people -- we the people -- are going to have to fight back hard if we're not going to lose our country. And I think this has the potential of changing the dynamic of freedom forever in the United States."
Now, even if she were figuratively speaking, talk like this will not attract the voting public that the Republican Party needs. This is a person the Party can do without.

Another Loose Cannon is Rush Limbaugh. This man is a narcissistic, drug addicted and sex crazed loon. I believe his only support of Sarah Palin is due to a deep sexual obsession and fantasy he has in his head with her and with his belief of how powerful he feels he is in the Republican Party. Of course, this power belief is being fed by the way the Republicans cower under his words when he speaks on his radio talk show. As long as the Party continues in this way, his blusterness will continue to hurt more than help the Republican Cause. Prior to his introduction before his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference, an announcer asked the audience what woman would not want to be with Rush Limbaugh. Believe me Rush, it would be for the money only. Republican Women I know have extremely higher standards than what you have to offer. With all of this, I feel Mr. Limbaugh will lead the party down the path to a flaming defeat in the 2010 mid term elections, if he is allowed to continue unchecked with his blustery wind.

Just so you do not think I am one sided here, the Left will not go unscathed in my assessment as well. Loose Cannon, Congressman Dennis Kucinich of the 10th Congressional District in Ohio, makes Communism look conservative. During one of the Democratic Presidential Candidate Debates, which appeared on television, Congressman Kucinich noted that there was no one to his left on the stage. Anderson Cooper, the moderator from CNN, immediately piped in that they were not sure they could find anyone to the Left of him, which brought out the laughter from the audience. During that broadcast, Vice President Joe Biden, who was a candidate as well at that time, was asked what did he think was the one thing you could like about Congressman Kucinich? Jokingly, Joe said there wasn’t anything he liked about Mr. Kucinich. But added without hesitation, the best thing he liked about Dennis was his wife. You know what, I agree. That is the only thing I like about Congressman Kucinich too.

Jeneane Garofolo is a Loose Cannon extraordinaire. It seems she became more caustic in her views as she gained Tattoos on her body. Any halfway savvy conservative opponent could always out duel her in a debate because she is so easy to derail from her point. Then, she begins her hateful screeching tirades, with any conversation going downhill fast after that. It is believed she lost her show on Air America and it is just as well. She does the Left more damage than good when she enters the fray.

Mike Farrell, an actor best known for his role as Captain BJ Hunnicutt, in the television series M.A.S.H. is a Left Wing activist that I believe tries to use his celebrity to prove his agenda more than his knowledge. I have not seen him of late. But, when this Loose Cannon used to appear on late night talk shows, he was not very impressive and tended to drift like Ms. Garofolo did. Again he could rant and be taken off point very easily. Another poor example the Left could do without.

Now, I am sure you would expect me to include Vice President Biden in this. And you would be correct. But, I believe much of his missteps are not intentional in meaning but, at times, not well thought out.

For those of you on the Murtha watch. My research is leaving me with the feeling dishonesty is more pronounced here. I may even address this individual and his antics in a later article.

As for me, I am a Moderate who believes in strong Border Control and Security. I believe in the Second Amendment right to bear arms. I believe in affordable healthcare for all American citizens as well as a woman’s right to choose. I believe Civil Unions for Homosexuals should be allowed with the same rights as the religious sacrament of Marriage. However, I believe a religion has the right not to recognize the same sex union without lawful interference. I believe in a Capitalist Economy but with some regulation and oversight. I believe in the separation of church and state. I do not want my religion in my government and I do not want my government in my religion. I believe in a strong America with a strong Military to support it. I believe the members of our Armed Forces are our countries heroes and we should not deny a single dime, to them or their families support, whether in war time or peace. And finally, I believe the world looks up to us, rightfully so; to set the standard of what a country can achieve to be the greatest and strongest Nation on this Planet. With undying devotion to the Constitution, written by our Founding fathers, we will always be that leader.

That’s how I see it.

1 comment:

  1. are you really sure that you lean to the left? maybe so, it's just that the notion of left has been pushed so far that way by the loose cannons you talk of that it's hard to associate a reasonable person with being left in any way. i suppose one could make the same argument about me leaning to the right. i know rush doesn't speak for me, i agree with your assessment of him completely. on that note, if you want to hear an real thinker in that time slot, tune in to dennis prager. good stuff there.

    i won't even get started on murtha, i could say some terrible things. and garofolo, argh, i'm so mad that she's ruined 24 by being on it.

    that's all, just wanted to chime in, another good post.
