Saturday, May 30, 2009

Bush's Brain

Admire him or loathe him. Karl Rove must be the most well known political figure in politics today. In most cases, he is better known than some elected officials he has worked for. Mr. Rove’s political career goes back as far as 1970, while he was a student at the University of Utah. It is questionable, if even back then, he used dirty tricks in promoting his candidate. But, in 1972, Karl worked for Donald Segretti. This individual, was known as, deceased President Richard Nixon’s Political Strategist. Mr. Segretti earned his reputation of underhandedness and eventually served 6 months jail time for distributing illegal campaign material. It is said Mr. Rove learned and perfected most of his, behind the scenes shenanigans, while in contact with Segretti.

The website;
Is an article written by Wayne Madsen, published November 1, 2002. This is a very unflattering view of Mr. Rove but, gives an outline of Karl’s career and how he made his way to the position of Senior Advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff in the George W. Bush Administration.

The website; is a shortened but, more flattering synopsis of Mr. Rove’s political career and rise to the Whitehouse. The source for this article was Robert Bryce. A journalist from Austin Texas and author of many books about the Oil Industry, the Bush family and Corporations like Enron.

The title of this article Bush’s Brain, is also the title to a documentary about Karl Rove, his life and his political career. This movie is put together extremely well and takes you into the inner workings of the Bush campaign and how one man was able to design and succeed in promoting his candidate to the highest office in the land.
This website; is where you can go for more information.

Now, Karl Rove has agreed to testify, in front of a Senate Panel, about his involvement with the mass termination of U.S. Attorneys during the mid term of former President George W. Bush’s 2nd Administration. This alone will probably keep Mr. Rove in the spotlight for some time to come. I am sure, once the dust has settled; Karl Rove will appear again on some Republican Horizon. Whether it will be another Bush such as Jeb or any other candidate attempting to reach office, Karl Rove is destined to leave his mark for some time to come.

As for me, I follow Karl on twitter, as he does me. I have spoken to him in short bursts but, nothing of significant substance. I receive updates from his website and read many articles he publishes. I really do not have a personal opinion of him. However, regardless of how you might feel about Karl, he will always have the conservative view to share, with an insight of a direction the GOP might take, as it tries to regain the public support it needs, to recapture the political arena. If you are like me and enjoy politics, he is worth the read, aggravating or not.

That’s How I See It.

Websites of reference;

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