Sunday, November 15, 2009


Why I Cannot Wait Until 2013
I am writing this article because I have reached the fed up point of hype. The year 2012 is still, a little more than, two years away and I already cannot wait for 2013. Before I give you my reasons, I want to warn all you readers who suffer from the following; Impressionable, Gullibility, Mental and Emotional vulnerability and outright STUPIDITY!!! You may be insulted by what you read next. Remember, you have been warned!!!

Recently, a movie entitled 2012 was released to movie theaters throughout the country. Prior to this release, the Mayan Calendar has been quoted as being, the tell all, to the end of days for all of us on earth. The Hype for this movie starring John Cusack, Amanda Peet, Danny Glover and Woody Harrelson has been a testimonial to the special effects of movie making. The problem though, extends to any and all who are trying to exploit the end of days for money making ventures. Now in a Capitalistic Society, this would not be so bad except for those of the populace that cannot tell fiction from fact. From the History Channel to the Discovery Channel and anybody with a website, the attempts to sell the story of the End of Days is now blossoming into public hysteria not seen since the War of the Worlds radio broadcast on October 30, 1938. Inquiries made to NASA have become so frequent and with such fear and apprehension that funds have been spent to create a website for NASA to debunk the claims of Earth’s destruction and assure everyone that we will still be here on December 22, 2012. The following are links to all the NASA websites addressing the 2012 rumor;

The following article from the Telegraph website says it all about the 2012 fears;
'Mayan 2012 apocalypse theory' not true, Nasa says
The world is not coming to an end on December 21, 2012, Nasa insisted on Monday in a rare campaign to dispel rumours fueled by the internet and a new Hollywood movie.
The latest big screen offering from Sony Pictures,
"2012," arrives in theatres on Friday , with a $200 million production about the end of the world supposedly based on theories backed by the Mayan calendar. The doomsday scenario revolves around claims that the end of time will come as an obscure Planet X - or Nibiru - collides with Earth. The mysterious planet was supposedly discovered by the Sumerians, according to claims by pseudo-scientists, paranormal activity enthusiasts and internet theorists. Some websites have accused the US space agency of concealing the truth about the wayward planet's existence, but Nasa has denounced such stories as an "internet hoax." "There is no factual basis for these claims," Nasa said in a question-and-answer posting on its website. If such a collision were real, "astronomers would have been tracking it for at least the past decade, and it would be visible by now to the naked eye," it added. "Obviously, it does not exist." "Credible scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with 2012," it insisted. After all, "our planet has been getting along just fine for more than four billion years," added Nasa. Initial theories set the disaster for May 2003, but when nothing happened the date was moved forward to the winter solstice in 2012, to coincide with the end of a cycle of the ancient Mayan calendar. Nasa insisted the Mayan calendar does not in fact end on December 21, 2012, as another period begins immediately afterward. And it said there are no planetary alignments on the horizon for the next few decades.
And even if the planets were to line up as some have forecast, the effect on our planet would be "negligible," Nasa said. Modern Maya in Guatemala and Mexico have also rushed to debunk the "prophesy". they view the burgeoning end-of-the-world 2012 industry with a mixture of confusion, exasperation and anger at what is perceived as a Western distortion of their traditions and beliefs. "There is no concept of apocalypse in the Mayan culture," Jesus Gomez, head of the Guatemalan confederation of Mayan priests and spiritual guides, told The Sunday Telegraph. Cirilo Perez, an adviser to Guatemala's President Alvaro Colom is a prominent ajq'ij - literally a "day counter", a wise man who makes predictions and advice on the most propitious dates to marry, plant or harvest. He decried the commercial exploitation of Mayan culture by outsiders. "This has all become business but there is no desire to understand," he said. "When foreigners, or even some Guatemalans, see us, they think 'Look at the Maya, how nice, how pretty', but they don't understand us."

So, for all of you who have fallen victim to the fears of the world coming to an end, you can be rest assured that, we will all be here tomorrow and for a long time to come. Now, if for some reason you still believe all the erroneous websites quoting doom and gloom, I have eight easy steps to relieve you of your anxiety.
Step 1; Pull all your money out of your bank account.
Step 2; Go to your local Gun Store.
Step 3; Go inside and purchase a hand gun with ammunition.
Step 4; Leave the store.
Step 5; Find a very private place.
Step 6; Load the ammunition into the gun.
Step 7; Place the gun to the side of your head.
Step 8; Pull the trigger.
You will have done yourself and everyone who has had to listen to your whining over life ending, a favor. FOR GOD’S SAKE, SMARTEN UP AND GET A LIFE!

That’s How I See It.

Websites of reference;

Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Military Matter

Since the Presidency of George W. Bush, I still find myself a Moderate in Political beliefs. However, I have developed a slight lean towards the Left. I do not associate with either party. I prefer to remain unaffiliated. In this way, my loyalty will be dictated by the ability of the candidate and my confidence in them. Not due to a party affiliation. I voted for Barack Obama and was very glad that many Republicans were voted out of office. I hope many more will go in 2010. If that becomes the case then, by 2012, we will all have a good idea if the Democratic Party can take us into the future or if we will need another change. I may not agree with everything the Democratic Administration is trying to do but, Healthcare is definitely the most important and most needed reform at this time. Job creation runs a close second along with boosting our economy. I am not quite sure I agree with the methods and results so far but, the previous administration has shown we could do much worse. However, a decision has been made recently that I have reservations about. That decision is to prosecute the September Eleven Conspirators in a Federal Court instead of a Military Trial.

Now, I am a firm believer in the Criminal Justice System. I know that successful prosecutions occurred in the trials of the World Trade Center bombings of the early 1990’s. I do not believe that the terror suspects from 9/11 will have some fancy lawyer using some sly tactics to get acquittals for their clients. I do not believe that Liberal Rogue Judges may throw out evidence and cause a mistrial. It is the difference between the attacks back then and what has occurred here, that asks the question whether this is a Civil Investigation or a Military matter. Even the question of Islam and the Muslim world, does not come into play. It is the suspects, motive, opportunity but, more importantly, the overall conspiracy behind the act and the following events which took place afterwards.

In 1993, the World Trade Center bombing was a Criminal Investigation with international cooperation through Law Enforcement Agencies. Then President William Jefferson Clinton did order a limited Military response to Al-Qaida suspected strongholds overseas. However, no Military invasion occurred as a result of the bombings. Convictions were obtained on most suspects. One or two may have been acquitted in trials in their own countries.

In 2001, the Taliban Government of Afghanistan spoke out about the World Trade Center attacks praising the terrorist attackers and claiming to have the Al-Qaida Leader, Osama Bin Laden, within their borders. As we all know a war ensued with Afghanistan to topple the Taliban Government along with the invasion of Iraq and the subsequent regime change within that country as well. It is because of these events is why I believe the suspects being placed on trial in New York City for the 9/11 attacks should be dealt with by a Military Court. Unlike the attacks in 1993, Military action took place in direct response to these attacks and the terrorist group Al-Qaida has declared and still wages a terrorist war against our country.

Many have questioned the legality of the invasion we perpetrated upon the sovereign nation of Iraq and all of the actions taken place during this time. But, I believe that is a question for an International Court to determine. The fact still remains we went to war over the Trade Center attacks. This act alone should make it a Military matter, not civilian.

So, I find myself agreeing with people such as Rudy Giuliani and others on the Right Wing, when it comes to prosecution of the conspirators on 9/11. Any inappropriate procedures or illegal actions should be dealt with militarily in a Military Court. A Civilian Court is not the place for these individuals, nor for these acts, at this time. Let us just hope that justice will prevail and not make a mockery of a system we hold dearly.