Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Conservative, Salesman or Prostitute

A week or so ago, Keith Olbermann of MSNBC, appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher. There was something Mr. Olbermann said that struck a cord with me. While describing a conversation he had with FOX Conservative Talk Show host Sean Hannity, Keith’s conclusion was, if promoting the Left Wing agenda would be more profitable, Sean Hannity would switch sides in a heartbeat. Even Bill Maher was shocked at that statement. But, Keith Olbermann stuck to his words. So, that brought back a thought I had some years ago.

I used to listen to Sean Hannity when he had Alan Colmes as his sidekick. What turned me away from him and other Rabid Right Fox Talk Shows was his coverage of the Terri Schiavo situation in Florida. I resented his accusations towards Terri Schiavo’s husband and what I thought were very ignorant and outright slanderous remarks. Even though I was disturbed by all of this, the end for me came when Mr. Hannity had the Reverend Jesse Jackson on his stage as a guest and called him his dear friend. I did not resent Reverend Jackson’s appearance. However, to call him his dear friend was so hypocritical, I almost wretched from disgust. I could not understand how someone, who seemed so passionate about what he believed, could turn around and claim friendship to a man and a political belief that he fought so hard against.

I saw the same hypocrisy, occurring from time to time, with Bill O’Reilly as well. I even saw both these men defend an administration that was harming our country and justify it all by calling it Patriotism. That was when I began to think they are just some goons who drink the Kool Aid. But, after listening to Keith Olbermann, could they really be nothing more than very expensive Salesmen. Men who have no personal belief beyond how fat their wallets will get? Or, are they just another version of the oldest profession. Do they really not believe what they try to sell but, use their verbal assets to promote an agenda? Well, if that’s the case, then Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly and now Glenn Beck have found a way to make Prostitution legal in this country. However, I believe in Beck’s case, heavy drug use can be considered acceptable as well.

When I listen to a Talk Show, I not only want to be entertained but, would like to learn something as well. If I want to be sold a bill of goods I’ll go to a used car lot. So, think about the next time you listen to a Talk Show. Remember, entertainment is first then its sell, sell, sell. I guess hoping to learn something is asking too much. How will you ever know if, it is knowledge or propaganda, your hearing?

That’s how I see it.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Joe Scarborough
Grand Ole Polarization

I can be found on many social outlets on the Internet. One of these outlets is called Twitter. When I was on Twitter yesterday, I saw Joe Scarborough, of MSNBC. I am one of his followers. I noticed he was lamenting over the lack of Conservative viewpoints, being discussed, on this day. He appeared to be pretty fed up with all of us Twitters. So, he wished everyone a good weekend and departed. In his final entry, Mr. Scarborough showed a link to the Website Pew Research Center Publications.

He urged all of us to read it and get educated. With a challenge like that, how could I resist? This article showed statistics claiming President Obama was causing the greatest polarization between political parties in this modern era. (As stated in the Title) I read the article and I have to admit, the statistics are profound. However, I believe they are misleading because, the underlying reasons for the stats are not being truly revealed.

Like Paul Harvey (well known radio personality) would say, now for the rest of the story. Even though there were questions over the Presidential Election in 2000, more Democrats were willing to work with President George W. Bush than Republicans are today, towards President Barack Obama. This is a concerted propagandized effort by, the extreme Rabid Right Wing of the GOP, to do all it can to undermine the confidence the American People have in President Obama. This confidence was shown in the significant victory Democrat Barack Obama had over the GOP candidate John McCain. The stunning and significant loss received, by the GOP in that Presidential Election, has spawned an internal fight between the old guard and the new blood within the Right Wing. The old guard, which was in charge and voted out of office, struggles to regain its political footing. However, they do not know how to go about it. The newer, younger blood in the party feels, they should take the reins and re-evaluate the GOP position on Gay Marriage and other issues the American People feel strongly on.

Looking at facts like this gives the figures in the article a different meaning. A meaning that can be manipulated to serve a specific agenda. Now, you know the rest of the story. Good Day!
Paul Harvey

That’s how I see it.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

From Road House to White House

Did Patrick Swayze influence Barack Obama?

In 1989, the movie Road House hit theaters around the country. Even though there were many named actors and actresses, of that time, in the movie. The star of the movie was actor Patrick Swayze. The character he played was named Dalton. Now Dalton was the manager of a local bar. He promised the owner he would help change things around to make the bar a success. In doing so he dictated his philosophy; “I want you to be nice until it's time to not be nice.” He set guidelines, that his bouncers were expected to follow, in the performance of their duties;” All you have to do is follow three simple rules. One, never underestimate your opponent. Expect the unexpected. Two, take it outside. Never start anything inside the bar unless it's absolutely necessary. And three, be nice.” Now, he went on to give specifics but, since I want to keep my blog clean, I’ll let you watch the movie for yourself. I think you have the idea though.

Now, the Rabid Right has criticized President Obama because they think he is presenting a weak image, as he tours the world. When he met with the G20 leaders, President Obama stepped in when the Chinese and French leadership appeared to be having a serious disagreement. He was instrumental in separating them and brokering an understanding between them. Be nice. President Obama was then criticized for bowing to Saudi King Abdullah, while shaking his hand, when he greeted him at the summit. A Fox News Blonde Bimbo could hardly let Dick Morris complete his point, during an interview, because she was so obsessed over it. Yet, the Handshake was firm and acknowledged by the King. Be nice. On his trip to Latin America, President Obama crossed the room to introduce himself to President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and shook his hand. For all the blustering President Chavez had made prior to this greeting, in every photo with President Obama, he looked like a giddy high school freshmen meeting the Senior Class President for the first time. Now, President Chavez is even urging Colombian Rebels, to accept a cease fire with the US backed government of Alvaro Uribe, President of Colombia. President Bush could not accomplish that in his two terms in Office. President Obama did it in just over 100 days. Be nice.

With all of these actions, the Rabid Right continues to complain that President Obama is weak and does not have a Backbone. Now we come to;” I want you to be nice until it's time to not be nice.” I suggest we ask the Somali Pirates if they have any idea on this. I have a feeling they have first hand knowledge. Gee, I wonder if President Obama has ever seen Road House.

That’s how I see it.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Regulation and Capitalism

Now that it appears the economy may be leveling off, a review of the why and what to do to prevent this again, should be looked at. People from the Looney Left say, TOTAL REGULATION! People from the Rabid Right say, let the economy correct on it's own. CAPITALISM REGULATED LEADS TO COMMUNISM! I believe somewhere in the middle of these two ludicrous actions is where we belong.

Playing with rules is not something new. In every aspect of our lives boundaries, whether natural or not, appear to keep us focused and on a straight and narrow path in our Society. Why should Capitalism, in general, be any different? If you listen to the Rabid Right Wing talk Shows, they say how stupid people were to sign these contracts or mortgages and they deserve to loose their shirts. Now, after raising a family in this economy, I would like to defend the Average Joe from this accusation.

Everyone believes in the American Dream. Part of the dream is to live in a home you own. There is nothing more permanent or secure than having a place to call strictly your own. Many of the sub prime mortgages given out were a chance for families to be able to do just that. Were these individuals stupid like the Rabid Right would like you to believe? I do not think so. Though, these people have to take responsibility for the debt they committed to. If I had a chance to purchase a home, I would have if I thought there was a good chance I could refinance before the loan rolled over. That was the thought I gave it. I did not pursue a mortgage because I was not sure I would improve enough on my credit rating to make that refinance possible. I’m sure many others thought the same way. However, it is obvious people took the risk. Now, maybe mistakes in judgment by these individuals were made. Maybe the Loans were done with some predatory misleading. There is obviously enough blame to go around. How could all of this been avoided? If rules were in place to limit such loans or, such loans if allowed, would be sufficiently supported financially in case of failure. In other words, REGULATION!

If anyone has seen the movie “Wall Street”, they would remember the “Greed is Good Speech”, the Michael Douglas’ character gave. But, even in that speech, total deregulation or lack of control was not promoted. I believe the “True Capitalist” is not afraid of playing by set rules. In fact, a True Capitalist will embrace the rules and use them to an advantage. Because, a True Businessman or Woman, will know that playing by the rules would be a protection from the predators who would try to disgrace Capitalism through thievery and deceit.

So, are people fleeing Wall Street? Only the thieves and dishonest business people. I believe the true and honest business people will remain and be joined by a new crop of honest individuals who will restore Wall Street and Main Street to a viable partnership.

That’s my view.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Is Darth Vader Paul Revere?

When 43’s administration came to an end, just about everyone in his administration left town. Everyone except Darth Vader himself, Dick Cheney. (You have to admit, put a black helmet and mask on him and he looks like a stubby Darth Vader.) Dick decided to settle in the Virginia area just outside the beltway. Now, ask yourself. Why did he decide to stick around instead of heading west like most everyone else? Could he want to lend a hand and try to help out the new administration? Does he want to subvert the new administration? Does he want to keep tabs on, all the crooked deals he brokered, that are still going on? Or, is he the Watchman? The Paul Revere who will let everyone know when the long arm of the law will start reaching for them? He better, for the sake of Scooter Libby. That guy knows where the bodies are buried.

Let’s face it. The more the Bush Administration is placed under the microscope, the more we are learning of how laws were broken and the Constitution shredded, in the guise of preserving our nation’s freedom and the safety of all Americans. From Alberto Gonzalez and his law breaking, incompetent minions to Donald Rumsfeld’s moronic leadership as the Secretary of Defense. We are now seeing, what most of us had wondered, as our country was hijacked by an unscrupulous group from a political party that used to promote Patriotism and fiscal responsibility as their mantra. Dick Cheney stands ready to mount his horse and sound the alarm in hopes to save this group from their rightful destiny, prison. In the meantime he spouts
off about what the present administration is doing wrong.

Newt Gingrich, trying to rally the party faithful behind what he feels, is the wrong direction of this nation, adds to this chorus. In Newts case he just does not get it. The wrong direction was what his party was doing. I believe the national election settled that. Ah, but today’s tricky Dicky throws up a smoke screen. He knows how he is despised. But, he needs to justify why he is sticking around. While making it seem he is promoting for his party, he is really keeping an eye out. To make sure, when the day comes for him to leave, all the bodies will be buried for good.

That’s how I see it.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Inaction or Reaction

The Blogosphere is abuzz, so I joined them. Today, the North Korean government launched a Rocket (Missile) in a lame attempt to be a player on the world stage. Or was it lame? Newt Gingrich said, on a Sunday show on Fox, if he were President, he would have ordered the missile shot down or even destroyed while it was still on the Launch Pad. He even questioned if Iranian people were involved. The blogs to the Right criticize President Obama for what they say is inaction. The Left says the launch was a bust and indicated the United Nations can deal with it. Oh, what is a mere citizen to do?

Well, currently the economy is in the tank and unemployment is up. March Madness has arrived. The NHL and NBA are heading to their respective playoffs and of course, Baseball is about to open the 2009 season. After the past eight years, people are looking to get away and relax, if not for only a little while.

The Right appears to want everyone to believe the “sky is falling” and only they know what to do. Maybe that is true but, only the base is listening. The Left says relax, we have everything under control. Right now, I believe that is what the average American wants to hear. With the Iraq War still ongoing and a plan by President Obama to increase our presence in Afghanistan, the actions of the North Korean madman are falling on deaf ears.

I do not know which side is more truthful. I do believe the Right needs to straighten their ship. If they continue on this course, no one will listen and I would hate a truly important message to be missed only because we have become tone deaf to their side. As for the Left, they have the show. My urgent message, do not become complacent as the previous administration did. The trust of the American People can be very fleeting.

That’s my view.

Over a Word

In the American Heritage Dictionary, Office Edition, the definition of Marriage is “The condition of being married; Wedlock. A Wedding Ceremony. A close or intimate Union.” Sounds a little vague when you consider the word, Marriage is the center of a Firestorm over the issue of Same Sex Marriage. State Legislatures have and will spend countless hours debating and voting on whether John has the right to have a, Sanctioned by Law, partnership with Joe instead of Jane. Is this an issue that needs consideration or is this being pushed by a group whose agenda represents a minority few?

If you follow the Hollywood crowd, they would make you think this is a basic Civil Right equal to the plight Blacks had in our nation for decades. (You’ll notice I used the term had. I think we settled that issue this past Presidential Election.) If you listen to the Religious sector, the belief is that, this goes against the teachings of God and the spiritual nature of our Nation. This is where I think the crux of the argument lies, the argument over the word Marriage. Whether you like it or not, our nation was founded under a Christian belief with the right to practice or not practice what religion you want. But, is this really a Christian issue? If it is a Christian issue, then why is it being argued in the halls of Legislature? Isn’t there a separation of church and state?

That is why I believe the word Marriage should not even enter the equation. If the Religious recognition of Marriage is defined, then it should remain as a religious matter. This means the right of any religion to support or deny acceptance of a Same Sex Union. But, when it comes to laws that affect the Civil Rights of individuals, then, identify it as such. In other words, a Civil Union is a legal commitment between two individuals. Homophobes are hung up on the sexual aspect. But, it reaches well into the financial as well. If I owned a business, do you think I would care if John’s debt to me were Jane’s responsibility or Joe’s? Not at all. What do I care the avenue I must travel to gain restitution, as long as there is an avenue.

So, to determine if a right is being violated we must ask these questions. Is Homosexuality a birth defect or a curable condition? I cannot find this the case anywhere. Is Homosexuality an accepted condition of human life? To me, yes unless, the first question is proven to be true.

Marriage is a religious sacrament, sanctioned by law, between One Man and One Woman, period. However, a Same Sex Union must also be sanctioned by law if you follow the argument in the previous paragraph. Both should have equal rights under the same flag and Constitution we live under. The reason, Marriage is a Civil Union but, performed under a religious ceremony. We, as a society, got lazy and took a shortcut by using the word Marriage to describe even a non religious ceremony. Very similar to using the word “Xerox” instead of “photo copied” or “Band Aid” instead of “bandage”.

So, let us stop using and arguing about a Word and discuss Law and Civil Rights. Not only Homosexual Rights but, the rights of Freedom of Religion. Both are separate issues that are being entwined for nothing less than power control and manipulation.

That’s how I see it.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Freedom of Speech or Hate Speech

Talk Radio consists mostly of a Political nature. Sure you have Sports, Dining, Gardening and even Financial Shows. But the main theme, to most talk shows, is Politics. Now, there is the Left Wing and the Right Wing. In some cases you might have something in between but, it will probably champion either the Democratic or Republican cause. Due to the age of computer streaming I can listen to any city coast to coast and hear a potpourri of shows.

Living in the Boston area, I am a member of what is called the best and brightest. The station trends towards the conservative view. Though there is an offering to the Liberal as well. I can attribute, much of my recent years of knowledge, from listening to this station. Their have been times when I laughed, reflected thoughtfully and outright changed the channel, due to aggravation of what I was hearing. But, I understood the individuals’ right to freedom of speech. I also realized that these individuals, in a sense, are Entertainers.

For example, during the Presidential Campaign, I felt the right of free speech could have been taken too far. John McCain and Sarah Palin, began to go out of their way in suggesting, Barack Obama was a Terrorist. You could see the crowds easily taken up by this. Thank God, a cooler head prevailed and John McCain realized what he was doing and dispelled the belief. But, what if he had not? Suppose if he and Sarah Palin continued down that road. Suppose if such a state of “frenzy”, was developed to the point, a tragedy occurred. Would the Republican Party have shown remorse? Should they have? What if the roles were reversed? Would the Democratic Party feel the same?

Freedom of Speech is a very precious freedom that we should do everything we can to preserve. Soldiers have given their lives for this freedom. But this freedom can be abused, like most things. The problem with this abuse is some people can be lead to believe something and not realize the sensationalism being injected, for no reason more than to gain ratings. This, injected in the direction of the wrong person, could be tragic.

I enjoy Talk Radio. It is educational as well as entertaining. I just think that Talk Show Hosts need to fully understand the influence they carry and take better responsibility for the content they produce. Sometimes, I do not think they do. I will always fight to preserve the right of free speech but, I will always advocate responsibility. The responsibility that goes along with this right.

That’s how I feel.

The Irony of the Tax Party

When Barack Obama has completed his term or terms in office, he has a great career waiting for him at the IRS. It seems every time he calls upon someone, they end up paying their Taxes. If he keeps this up, he could single handedly have the National Debt paid up in full, with a surplus to spare. Now, that is a feat! Now, I am sure the Republicans have a track record in this area as well. Look at John McCain, he didn’t even know how many houses he owned when asked during the Presidential Campaign.

Look, we all know people try to pay as little Taxes as possible but, when you are in the Public Sector and in a political party that advocates big government, with big spending, backed by Tax dollars, the least you can do is set an example and pay like you expect all of us to do. I don’t think that’s asking too much.

That's how I see it.

A Ship without a Captain

The Republican Party looks like a ship without a Captain. The Party has no one to blame but itself. If the 2006 elections were a shot across the bow then, the 2008 election became the torpedo that put the Republican ship to the floundering place it is today. Sex Scandals with the likes of Larry Craig and Mark Foley, the questionable activities of Tom Delay, Dennis Hastert and Scooter Libby gave Americans a reason to look in another direction for leadership. The nail in the coffin came, when the economy went south and George W. appeared to take a melancholy attitude. The money that Secretary Paulson offered up as a solution looked more like a final looting of the Country’s Treasury.

The party needs to take a step back and re-evaluate where they are and where they need to be in order to get the American people to listen to them again. Sure, the base always will listen but, the base is not enough to win national elections. The Independent Vote, along with capturing the youth attention, is what I believe will be needed. Right now, there is no one who can rally the wagons together. Bobby Jindal was a train wreck in his first try and he does not appear to be gaining any ground either. To me, Eric Cantor, is a joke and John Boehner is a face from the old guard.

I believe Newt Gingrich is correct. I believe a splinter group of Conservatives could break away from the Republican Party if they can not reach a united front. Would a third party be a bad thing? I do not know. I do believe that the two party system may grow if the ship does not get a Captain soon.

That's how I see it.