Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Enemy Within

How The Republican Party Is Killing Our Nation

I admit as I am writing this article, anger is the fuel. I have reached a point that I can no longer sugar coat my feelings. After witnessing the events, to kill the much needed, Healthcare Reform Bill. Then seeing the disappointment of the citizenry of Chicago, after losing their bid for the 2016 Summer Olympics, being cheered and celebrated by the Right, I am convinced, more then ever, that there is a Cancer in our Country that is eating away at the very fiber of our Democracy. That cancer is in the form of the Republican Party. The City of Chicago was extremely disappointed that the Olympic Games were not awarded to them. To add insult to injury, this community was eliminated in the first round of voting. Instead of being sympathetic, supportive and patriotic to an American City, the Neo Conservative Right Wing of the Republican Party openly celebrates the defeat because of their hatred towards a President that is openly popular to the general public that has rejected their own warped set of distorted values and beliefs. For weeks the Republican Party, along with their propaganda machine of Fox News and Right Wing Talk Radio, has lied on so many statistics in an attempt to sway or brainwash public opinion, against our country and against our present government. Unfortunately, what I believe is pure ignorance, this party and their propaganda machine spew their filth and lies to scare and keep fear in as much of the populace as possible.

Corporate America is just as guilty with the continual bribes and payoffs, given to the members of this party, to benefit corporate profits and keep the economic wealth of the populace at the lowest levels possible. The Democrats may have their own problems as well but, From C-Street to K-Street dealings, the pornographic behavior of Republican Politicians, while preaching family values, has taken hypocrisy to levels never before seen in our nation’s history.

The propaganda machine, lead by the narcissistic cancerous buffoon of Rush Limbaugh and the cancerous psychotic ranting of Glenn Beck, abuses the freedom of speech we celebrate in our nation. I am at a complete loss of how any rational thinking human being could honestly believe what these two men say day after day. To wish our Government to fail and celebrate in the defeat of an American City is outright criminal if not treasonous in its self.

I can only desperately appeal to the rational and intelligent individuals of the Republican Party, if there are any, to rid yourselves of the Cancer that is spreading within your midst. The Neo Conservative Movement, in the Republican Party, is nothing more than a mirror image of the Neo Nazi Party of the 1940’s. I believe the group once known as the Project for the New American Century has infiltrated the Republican Party to the point where it stands on the precipice of its own destruction. Please cut this cancerous tumor from your parties bowels or more rational Americans may need to cut this cancerous party from our Democratic Society.

That’s How I See It.

Websites of reference;,2933,559244,00.html

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